Emergency Dental Care

When it comes to dental emergencies, we believe that you shouldn’t need to wait to get out of pain or discomfort. If you experience a dental emergency, we are typically able to see you day of or as soon as possible after that. We are able to handle most common emergencies (tooth pain, chipped, or broken teeth) in house, so you are able to have your treatment taken care of in one place, and by a team you know and trust.

The most common emergencies we see at Sedation Dentistry of Fort Wayne include toothaches or tooth pain, chipped or broken tooth, and a tooth that’s knocked out.

While dental emergencies are rare, they can happen, and it's important to know who to turn to when they do. Dr. Painter and our Fort Wayne dental team are here for you when you need us, and we’ll do whatever we can to get you back smiling.

Call to Schedule
(260) 338-4630