Sedation Dentistry

Sedation dentistry is part of many procedures at Implant Dentistry of Fort Wayne that can help you feel less anxious about your dental appointment. This could include nitrous oxide or oral sedation to help reduce anxiety and pain, or IV sedation, which is similar to what happens in an outpatient procedure at a hospital. Sedation dentistry is recommended to patients who have high levels of anxiety regarding dental visits, those undergoing longer treatments, and people who have a hard time getting numb from anesthetics.

Types of Sedation

At Implant Dentistry of Fort Wayne, inhaled sedation comes in the form of nitrous oxide, often referred to as “laughing gas.” This is a gas that is administered through a nosepiece that helps to reduce anxiety and pain. While you are still awake and responsive, it does have a calming effect.

Oral sedation is a method of sedation in which medication is taken before your visit. This medication is designed to help reduce anxiety before and during the visit, and help reduce pain felt from the treatment.

Often shorted to IV sedation, intravenous sedation involves having an IV gently placed and medication being administered to help you into a deeper state of relaxation. In most cases, you do not feel anything that happens during the treatment after when the IV is administered. Many times, patients wake up with little to no memory of the experience.

What levels of sedation are available to me?

There is no need to be nervous about having sedation dentistry at our practice; we are experienced with each level of sedation. Dr. Painter holds an Indiana Light Parenteral Conscious (IV) Sedation permit, and you will find that we are both respectful and professional at all times with the goal of providing the care that is right for you.

We offer five levels of sedation at our Fort Wayne dental office:

  • Local anesthetic, which helps to numb and reduce pain by administering an injection near the area being worked on.
  • Nitrous oxide, often referred to as laughing gas, which is administered through a nose piece to reduce anxiety and pain.
  • Oral sedation, which is where a medication is taken before the procedure to help reduce pain and anxiety.
  • IV sedation, where an IV administers medication that puts patients in a deeper state of relaxation and is similar to an outpatient procedure at a hospital.
  • Full sedation, where the patient is fully unconscious during the treatment which does require a hospital visit.

If you are undergoing IV sedation, we ask that you not eat or drink anything after midnight of when your treatment is to occur. For oral sedation, IV sedation, and full sedation, you must have a friend or family member drive you to and from your appointment, as you will not be able to operate a vehicle so soon after your treatment.

At Implant Dentistry of Fort Wayne, your positive experience is our top priority. From the moment you walk in, our friendly, caring staff makes sure we do everything we can to make your experience as comfortable as possible. Our calming lobby allows a comfortable place to wait for your appointment and includes free water and coffee. In our treatment suites, you are able to watch the television on our ceiling and wear sound-reducing headphones to help take your mind off things while receiving treatment.

With most forms of sedation, we do require a consultation before treatment. To learn more about any of our levels of sedation or to schedule a consultation, please contact our office by calling (260) 338-4630.

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(260) 338-4630